
Rethinking the Consultant Developer because of the Web Modeler

Rethinking the Consultant Developer because of the Web Modeler

Recently I was onsite with a potential customer and a few folks from Mendix to describe the value proposition of their platform combined with our service delivery model. Often, I will perform the demos, but in this instance, we collectively decided to give that responsibility over to Michael Schiraldi, Solutions Architect @Mendix. Like the client, I, too, learned things that I didn’t know! I’ve been at this for quite a while, and the learnings I had centered on Mendix’s Web Modeler and the roles of my team and how we train. If this interests you, please read on!

What is the value of being right?

This question appears often in research papers focused on the disciplines of psychology and philosophy. They tend to explore the dissonance of interpersonal relationships that is created when one party ‘digs in’ because of their belief in being “right”. Or the research might seek to philosophize what it means to be “right” in the context of correct, accurate, or self-assured. I want to take a few minutes to setup a different paradigm and confine it to the ideals of empowering decision maker’s by handing them tools for analysis.