The world is battling a war on two fronts: our health is threatened by COVID-19 and our economies have slowed and even stopped in certain sectors. As an App Developer, does my work really matter in such times?
What makes a Great Rapid App Developer?
After years of delivering, leading, and coaching leaders in Rapid App Development, I give you my perspective on what skills and profile it takes to be a ‘Great’ RAD Maker.
A quick look at Outsystems Studio (from a Mendix dev)
How easily could a Mendix Developer transfer the skills of Rapid App Development to another tool in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for hpaPaaS? I look at OutSystems to help answer that question.
My thoughts on the Siemens acquisition of Mendix
I've received a lot of questions about my thoughts on the recent acquisition. I've spoken to a number of individuals at Mendix to get their thoughts, read CEO Derek Roos and CTO Johan den Haan blog posts, and discussed internally with some of my colleagues at EPI-USE and other Mendix MVP's. My perspective seems to be a bit different than the majority. Now that the dust has settled a bit I thought I would share.
Extending SAP: Fiori or Mendix?
“With SAP tools like Fiori and UI5, why would I need Mendix?”
As a practitioner who directs our architecture and development of Mendix applications alongside SAP developers, I get asked this question a lot. Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools like Mendix are on the rise because as businesses begin their journey into digital transformation, they realize that the agility necessary to respond to rapidly changing competition and value perceptions require focused teams that combine business leadership and IT to design and deploy solutions just as rapidly. Waiting for a waterfall, stack-developed project to get scoped and developed will typically miss the mark, come out behind the curve of the transformation, and be dead in the water by the time it hits the market or the business.