When used correctly, Calculated Attributes enhance the apps by handling basic calculations at run time; Used poorly and they will damage your app performance. In this use case I walk through a sample app based on a real-world problem to explore the performance issues and a couple of strategies to improve performance to the correct standard. I appreciate any feedback and hope this helps some Mendix devs!
How can code execute correctly sometimes, and incorrectly others?
This past week I encountered a problem that I was at my wits end to solve. The problems was this: Randomly, a process wouldn't work. The same code was getting executed by the press of a button, but sometimes it just wouldn't work. Was something wrong with the engine in the Cloud since it always worked in local testing? After a brief discussion with a few members of Mendix’s own Success Team, we were able to find the root cause and redesign to care for the issue. Read on and hopefully I'll save you from some similar headaches.