Sometimes these pesky development bugs just won't go away. I stepped back from the trees to look at the forest and try to find some commonality between the multiple applications I've worked on and the cause of the bugs found. Surprisingly I found more in common than I anticipated. Here's a few reasons why bugs exist in your applications and what you can do during development to avoid them.
Fixing your Mendix Domain model - part 1
In the past month, I've been asked to help other Mendix developers with what I'm seeing as a very common problem: Domain models. What is occurring is that the developers build their models, begin to create their pages and forms, and inevitably hit a wall where they can't quite get the attributes on their pages to align, associate, or a number of other issues. Worse yet are those applications that have been in production for a while that require a redesign in order to accommodate a new feature. In this post I'm going to explore how I troubleshoot and help correct designs.