
Mendix Best Practice - Stories in the Sprintr

Mendix Best Practice - Stories in the Sprintr

I tried something new this time: Video! Rather than write this all out, I decided to record a video to talk about a best practice. I’m very interested in your feedback on whether you prefer written to video format and if you found my shared best practices to be useful or thought provoking. I’ll do more or less of the video style based on your inputs here or on the video itself. Thanks!

Turning your App into an Application (and the affect on Business Owners)

Turning your App into an Application (and the affect on Business Owners)

Most of us who have delivered more than one app know that the majority of these turn into applications. That transition from ‘app’ to ‘application’ brings new challenges from the initial prototype and deliver process. Adding all of those extra features requires us to slow down our velocity a bit to test all of the new inter-connectivity. In this post I want to share with you my perspectives on what it means to transition an ‘app’ into an ‘application’.

Published in the BI Journal

Published in the BI Journal

This week has been quite eventful. I welcomed my new son into the world and got published in TDWI's BI Journal, a quarterly publication of BI experts sharing knowledge and advice about best Business Intelligence practices. It was a lengthy process but I'm very proud of the accomplishment. 

If you are a premium member of The Data Warehouse Institute, you can check it out here