When I first began using Mendix tools and creating Rapid App Dev projects, I was coming from a BI/Analytics career. I was very comfortable with SQL and immediately gravitated towards using it in Mendix as OQL Data Sets. I wrote a few other blogs on here (just search the tag “OQL”) and view some write-ups. Now we are up to v8.2 as of this writing and OQL/Java data source still exist as well as the reports. Do they still make sense?
How to adopt Mendix successfully as a SAP shop
I share some observations and thoughts on how to be successful when adopting Mendix into your SAP shop!
5 Best Takeaways from Mendix World 2019
Last week, I along with other leaders in our Rapid App Dev practice joined Mendix in Rotterdam for their #MxWorld2019 event. If you’ve read my other posts, you’ll get a more play by play take on the event and the activities my teammates and I participated in leading up to, during, and after the event. I’ve had a few days to step back and reflect on the event and wanted to share my Top 5 takeaways with you. Let me know if you agree or had a different key takeaway (not surprising if you did as there were many announcements!)
Mendix World Time and The R.A.D. Report!
It’s been a few months since I posted anything and I need to change that. So first order of business it to talk about the exciting travel planned for later this week! #MendixWorld2019
Mendix Best Practices - Microflows
When I reach out and ask the community what they would like me to share, I primarily get asked for Best Practices. For a time I have rejected the idea of sharing those in too much detail as I consider Best Practices to be part of the value proposition of a consultant practice. It's taken years to forge and sharpen those practices and they therefore have value. We continue to challenge those and update as new scenarios, tools, and skills evolve over time. But I continued to think about this and have had a change of opinion.